Sandhya Gopalan

AI & MLOps Practice head at EY Global Delivery Services

Sandhya is an AI &MLOps practice leader at EY GDS. As organizations struggle to scale AI and realize business impact, her role is to conceptualize, build and deploy AI, ML @scale for EY Clients across sectors globally. She has scaled MLOps solutions and built target architecture working with client enterprise and data architects, CDOs and Businesses, which have enabled data-driven transformation for large Organizations. She has overall 17+ years of experience in the field of AI & ML. She leads go to market strategies working with EY globally on positioning of the AI and ML capabilities which have enabled multiple deals in this area of work.

Watch live: March 8, 2023 | 12:10 – 12:40 pm ET

AI Operationalization – From ouch to WOW

In the past few years with the rapid growth of data and increase in compute capacity, more and more companies are adopting Data Science, and ML to solve complex real-world business problems. Organizations continue to experiment and investing heavily on building capability in Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The evolution of data, computation and analytics has resulted in real time usage of data, increasing number of algorithms for experimentation, rising number of ML models for usage and management, and increasing trend of automation for each of the analytical processes.

However, industry focus has been more towards design phase of predictive analytics which is getting the models right from build, test, and validation perspective. The recent surveys have revealed that less than 40% of companies have operationalized ML models. This has hampered industry from achieving full potential of analytics. To overcome this, the next era of AI&ML is going to be more about transitioning from design phase to implementation phase covering model management, deployment and monitoring for seamless integration and smoother functioning of analytics embedded into business processes.

This talk tries to address those gaps by providing a framework and well-defined process to address these challenges help companies realize true business value.

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March 7-8, 2023 | Online
