Iswarya Murali
Principal Data Scientist at Microsoft
Iswarya Murali is a Principal Data Scientist at Microsoft, where she leads multiple data science projects that empower the business to make data-driven decisions. She has previously worked as a Strategist in Google’s Payments Fraud team, a software developer at the Data Protection team in Microsoft and was one of the earliest founding members of an early-stage Analytics startup.
Watch live: March 7, 2023 @ 4:55 – 5:25 pm ET
Adopting a Data-First Approach in ML Teams for Increased Impact
“Data is food for AI” – Andew Ng. According to Forbes, Data Scientists spend approximately 80% of their time collecting, cleaning and organizing data before even starting the exploratory analysis phase. This particular task could be mundane and often frustrating but is critical. Producing data that is consistent, reliable, available, and of high quality is crucial to the success of Machine Learning projects. The consequences of not investing enough into data and analytics engineering could result in feeding incomplete (or worse, incorrect) training data into models. In this talk, we’ll discuss the process of building a “data muscle” and how to incorporate engineering principles such as Scalability, User Privacy, Maintainability, Code Modularity, and Redundancy in order to create a well-functioning and impactful data team.